#BookReview ‘Insurgent’ by Veronica Roth #YA #fantasy

Insurgent, second in the fantasy trilogy by Veronica Roth, is action-led and the pace fairly trips along. Everyone living in the post-dystopian city of Chicago belongs to one of five factions, each represents a human virtue. When the factions disagree, there is a struggle for power. Veronica RothHeroine Tris is a complex mixture of two factions: her upbringing in Abnegation [considerate, selfless] and her adopted faction Dauntless [brave, daring, reckless]. This dangerous mixture gets her into trouble and that drives the story along. She is confrontational, brave, but often makes questionable decisions. She distrusts Four’s father and believes he is misleading them: ‘…sometimes, if you want the truth, you have to demand it.’ Demand, not ask: this tells me more about Tris than about Four’s father Marcus.
As this is the second novel of the trilogy there is more time for characterisation, we see more of Tris’s inner world in Insurgent compared with Divergent. She is maturing into her divergent personality, ‘I drift off to sleep, carried by the sound of distant conversations. These days its easier for me to fall asleep when there is noise around me. I can focus on the sound instead of whatever thoughts would crawl into my head in silence. Noise and activity are the refuges of the bereaved and guilty.’ And she is both.
I had difficulty keeping track of the huge list of characters and longed for a cast list. But more importantly is the lack of clarity about the main enemy: who is it? There’s lots of infighting to keep track of too, petty squabbles some of which have carried forward from the first book and which I had forgotten. I made the mistake of not reading the books back-to-back which would have really helped.
Tris’s confusion reminded me of my teenage years, confusion is universal: ‘Sometimes I feel like I am collecting the lessons each faction has to teach me, and storing them in my mind like a guidebook for moving through the world. There is always something to learn, always something that’s important to understand.’ Like all young people, Tris must learn there is no cut-off date by which she will have learned everything, adults continue to learn until they die.

Click the title to read my reviews of the other books in this series:-

If you like this, try:-
Beneath the Keep’ by Erika Johansen #prequelTearling
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La Belle Sauvage’ by Philip Pullman #1TheBookOfDust

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#BookReview INSURGENT by Veronica Roth via @SandraDanby http://wp.me/p5gEM4-Po

8 thoughts on “#BookReview ‘Insurgent’ by Veronica Roth #YA #fantasy

  1. Pingback: #BookReview ‘Viper’s Daughter’ by @MichellePaver #WolfBrother #YA #fantasy | SANDRA DANBY'S BOOK REVIEWS

  2. Pingback: #BookReview ‘Allegiant’ by Veronica Roth #YA #fantasy | SANDRA DANBY'S BOOK REVIEWS

  3. Pingback: #BookReview ‘Divergent’ by Veronica Roth #YA #fantasy | SANDRA DANBY'S BOOK REVIEWS

  4. Pingback: #BookReview ‘Gregor and the Prophecy of Bane’ by Suzanne Collins #fantasy #adventure | SANDRA DANBY'S BOOK REVIEWS

    1. sandradan1 Post author

      I don’t mind lots of characters, as long as the story threads are clear and I know where the different characters fit. Perhaps I read this when I was tired! SD


  5. Yvo

    I totally agree with you that the amount of characters is confusing sometimes, especially when some less important ones suddenly show up after a long time. Maybe it would have been better having less factions indeed, or at least a clearer image of who the enemy really is… I’ll be waiting for the review of Allegiant.

    Liked by 1 person


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